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Top 5 3D Print Models

Whether you're looking for a 'T-Rex skull tape dispenser', an articulated and poseable elephant, or an 'Articulated vase',

Whether you’re looking for a ‘T-Rex skull tape dispenser’, an articulated and poseable elephant, or an ‘Articulated vase’, there’s an incredible range of 3D print models out there that you can get your hands on.

Articulated and poseable elephant

Using a 3D printer to create an articulated and poseable elephant is a good way to show off your new machine. Although it’s a bit more difficult than the usual resin printing job, the end result is well worth the effort. The most fun part is that it can be reassembled to form a whole new elephant. The only drawback is that it’s expensive. However, it’s worth the investment for the novelty value alone.

This aforementioned tidbit is one of the most impressive 3D printing achievements I’ve ever witnessed. It also holds the distinction of being the first 3D printed object to reach the walls of a room. The best part is that the Elephant is completely customizable, allowing you to customize it based on your own personal preferences.

Giroid vase

Whether you’re a fan of minimalist design or you’re looking for a new way to display your collection, the Giroid vase 3D print model is sure to please. Not only does it not require any supports or glue, but it’s also fast to print. Moreover, the vase’s innards are made of plastic, which is ideal for minimalist decorators. And, with a little post-processing, your new vase is sure to look as good as the day you bought it.

The giroid vase 3D print model has more to offer, however. For example, it’s also the first 3D printed vase to feature an auto-tilt feature that allows you to tilt and turn the vase’s interior at will. This makes it perfect for displaying a single flower or a collection of silk flowers. The vase also comes with an elegant built-in display, which is perfect for displaying photos and other small keepsakes. It’s also got a compartment for other tools and supplies, so you don’t have to lug around a bunch of separate items. The vase is also a good place to store USB sticks, SD cards, and other small but mighty office supplies.

T-Rex skull tape dispenser

Using 3D printing technology, you can make your own T-Rex. This 1:20 scale skeleton includes all the details of the ancestor, which allows you to create a replica of the creature that can fit into any space. This model also includes PDF instructions to help you assemble it.

The T-Rex is a very cute and realistic animal that can be 3D printed. The model is printed with a 0.3 mm layer height and 10% infill. This allows the model to look great. The 3D printing service provider 3DWP also added a color model to the file.

The T-Rex skull has some very intricate overhangs that make it difficult to print. The designer fixed these problems, and also created a support structure for the internal structures. He also separated the tibias and femurs. The ribcage should be supported at 60-70 degrees. This helps to prevent leakage of the infill. The arms and jaw should also be supported.

Giroid printers vs FDM

Using the FDM method, a part is extruded from a plastic filament, and then the resulting item is stored in a hard plastic filament form. This is one of the more popular 3D print methods in use today. This technique can be used for small desktop models all the way up to large industrial ones. In fact, it is one of the less expensive 3D printing technologies to boot.

The FDM method also has a few shortcomings, such as lack of resolution and a limited build volume. Those shortcomings can be averted by using the right materials, or a few tweaks to the print settings. The most obvious limiting factor is the cost of the resin, which can range from around $100 to $200 depending on the manufacturer.


Luckily, this Tic Tac Gun 3D print model has a few fixes and improvements. It can now shoot Tic Tacs up to ten feet, and it has a quicker loading mechanism. It also has more color accents and a more secure container, so that it is easier to install. It is also a bit safer to use because it is designed to limit choking hazards. This toy will definitely make for a good gift.

The Tic Tac Gun 3D print model is a clever toy that can shoot candy pellets into your mouth. It’s made to be safe, so it only shoots Tic Tacs a short distance. It uses a larger spring and a quick release mechanism. It also has grooves in the muzzle so that it keeps the rubber bands in place.

Ultimately, after we design and create the model, we need 3D printing, mold making, product production and other processes to realize it. Try XIAOLIN’s manufacturing capabilities

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